Who are Boxed Business?
Find out more about the team from Boxed Business.
find out how we can help with our business-in-a-box.
0121 667 3735
About us
We are the complete Business-in-a-Box provider for new and existing businesses.
If you are looking to start a business, or have recently started a business, you may now have a daunting task of putting all the products and services in place to run your business efficiently and cost effectively. We help provide all these services under one roof, to help you do what you do best and forget about the rest!
So What’s a Business-in-a-Box?
Boxed Business is a Business, in a Box. Pretty straight forward really?
Its all the elements of running a business sourced from one location
You get to pick and choose the items to make up your business from our array of professional partners
You choose from our team who you want to work with and how you want to develop.
We simply put all the aspects you require in place to make your business work. You can pick from a ready made “box” with various products and services included at a fixed price, or pick and choose what you need and make your own “custom
box” that fits your needs specifically.
Prices and costs are transparent and fixed where possible, so its easy to see what its going to cost
its completely customisable, so you add what you want at the level you want.
You have Experts in their fields to utilise to grow your business, helping you along the way,
This allows you to do what you do best and forget about the rest.
The Best Business – Is a Boxed Business
IT Equipment, Office Furniture, Stationary to Vehicles and Machinery
Business Insurance, Accounts and Tax, Utilities, all in one place from a trusted source.
IT Support, Bookkeeping and business mentoring are just a few daily areas where support is available
Access to a vast array of local business people and Events to help you and your business grow
Why a Boxed Business
Most people new to business know what they know, which is the job they are doing or have always done. This might mean they have had little exposure to self employment or running a business, they don’t know what sort of accountant they
need, what insurances they need in place, or may find the whole situation too stressful or too risky to go it alone!
A Boxed Business takes all the stress and hassle out of learning the aspects of a business you don’t already know. And while finding the right people to work with can be difficult, and expensive, we work with a panel of dedicated professionals
with a track record to offer an on going relationship, so there’s trust that the people who work with you are the right people to work with.
“I know nothing about running my own business”
Take the uncertainty away of going it alone by speaking to one of our Business Mentors, we’ve already been there, made the mistakes and learnt the lessons, so we can help , guide and advise on getting your business where it needs
to go.
“I dont know if i’ve got the right products and services to help me succeed”
Most start-ups try on their own first, then wonder if what they are buying or signing up to is the best option available. We have a vast array of options that you may not even know exist or have even considered, we provide your
business the right tools to become successful.
“Where do i start”
The hardest job of all, taking the first steps and getting it right. We have dozens of business people with years of knowledge and expertise for you to speak with, and get help and advice. The best step to take is the one where you
ask for some help and advice.
“how much is going to cost”
Everything costs something, but whether you use our team or someone you find yourself, there will still be a cost. We have a standard range of products and services that fit most situations, that give a cost expectation, which can
be grown or reduced as your business needs demand, making sure you only pay for what you actually need.
The secret of success?
Hard work and perseverance is the common answer to this… But having some help and guidance to avoid the things you don’t know, the things that save you time, effort and money is priceless to a small business. keeping overheads to a
minimum and maximising the opportunity to make a profit is the starting block to any successful business.
Who can i work with?
You can work with any partner company in the “Boxed” framework, typically there is around 3 companies we partner with in every industry sector. You ultimately choose who you want to work with.
How do i choose
After speaking with you and getting a better understanding of your business, we can recommend some partners who fit your requirements best, from there you meet with them and decide who’s the best fit for you.
Do the costs change?
The costs can change if you prefer different or additional services provided in the fixed box price. You can choose to keep prices fixed or have them flexible, depending on your requirements.
WHat help do i get?
We offer support every step of the way, with dedicated professionals on hand to answer questions and get advice. A helpdesk to take your calls and emails and arrange support from the right people.
Join us! It will only take a minute
Meet the Team, the Core people behind Boxed Business that provide all the key services any business would require. Together we make an effective, professional extension of your business, helping you in the areas of business you use every day but might know little about.
Business Mentor
Sue Collins
Gill Fitzpatrick
Job Title
IT & Comms
Paul Deaville
Web Design
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Graphic Design
Job Title
Job Title
Colette Bratton
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